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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Update March 23rd

After a few weeks of relatively good weather, this week hasn't been so great. This last storm dropped about 2 inches of snow on us, and we have another 1-3 inches forecasted for tomorrow. The snow is of little concern at this point. It really isn't going to impact turf health at all. The problem is that the melting snow is keeping the course wet, and we just aren't able to get out there and clean up all the debris.

Right now, there is only one area of concern on the golf course. After we removed the cover off of 7 green, there were still large snow banks surrounding the green. Over the weekend, the warm temperatures melted a lot of snow. Some of the water, from the snow melt, settled on the back quarter of the 7th green. At this point I think we have some minor injury back there, but only time will tell. Everything else looks great at this point. Overall, with the winter we've had, I am very pleased with the way the golf course looks.